Web-application built with the help of python and Flask to provide easy access to some useful tools for solving online quests.
Dots and dashes to letters and reverse.
One word OR several words OR ...---...
'sos' => ... --- ...
'hello world' => .... . .-.. .-.. --- .-- --- .-. .-.. -..
'- . ... -' => тест test
Braille code uses numerical coding presented
in this figure:
One word OR several words OR 13456 15 234
'hello world' => ⠓⠑⠇⠇⠕ ⠺⠕⠗⠇⠙
'13456 15 234' => yes yес
Quick reference of chemical elements by number, name, or symbol.
element number OR several numbers OR element name/names
separated by whitespace.
'12' => '12 Magnesium Магний Mg'
'8 7 45 69' => 'O N Rh Tm'
'O N Rh Tm' => '8 7 45 69'
'тантал' => '73 Tantalum Тантал Ta'
Simple letters to numbers and reverse conversion.
latin and cyrillic letters OR numbers.
'hello' => '8 5 12 12 15'
'8 5 12 12 15' => 'ждккн hello'
'12 1 4 25' => 'кагч lady'
Search for russian OR english words using * and ? symbols.
? -- one not empty letter.
* -- several letters or none.
Also works with SQL LIKE syntax: _, %
Gives only first 100 words listed alphabetically.
Mask for russian OR english word using * and ? symbols.
'?лов?' => '(19) улова, олову, словн, ...'
'лов*' => '(100) ловцом, ловчиле, ловчишь, ...'
'en?r??' => '(20) enwrap, endrin, enerve, entrez, entrap, ...'
Get anagrams from hash-table of anagrams created using big database of russian words.
One word - you get full anagram and possible 2-word anagrams.
Two and more words - you get full anagram for each word.
'проверка' =>
'Букв: 8
Полная анаграмма: проварке, проверка
Варианты из двух слов:
капер, карпе, крапе, крепа, парке, перка, репка + вор, вро, ров
правке + ор, ро
провар, прорва + ЕК, ке
'слово море вода' =>
'слово (5): волос, ослов, слово
море (4): ером, море, омер, орем, роем, роме
вода (4): адов, вода'
Uses data from sociation.org and other sources to provide options of connected words.
One word - list of associated words.
Two words - list of common associations for these words.
'крона' => 'крона = древо, корона, деньги, макушка,
ветки, голова, монета, деревья, темя, гребень, чехия,
батарейка ...'
'море пляж' => 'акула, ракушки, вода, закат ...'
Caesar Code Decoder provides one clear option
using corresponding russian or english dictionary.
Indicates shift of the alphabet in the output.
Coded word or phrase.
'Ёв, н аъйжв ювжущ сяэы!' => '18: Чу, я слышу пушек гром!'
'Iwxh xh hdbt higxcv! Vgtpi!' => '11: This is some string! Great!'
Translates into letters letter-coded positions
of flags written according to the figure:
Letter-coded positions of right and left hand. Whitespace separates letters.
'нл-нп л-нл лн-в л-в л-н нл-нп лв-пн н-п' => 'абырвалг'
Translates numbers to words using dictionary.
Numbers from T9 key input OR words.
'6543' => 'okie, olid
роке, сойд, соке, солд, спид, спле, токе, толе, униз'
'5 6 6 6 5 2 6 4 4 4' => 'островский'
'привет' => '564236'